A public THANK YOU letter to YOU.

Dear Vivian, Emmanuelle, Alejandro, Steph, Amber, Julian, Phylicia, Everett, Catalina, Darlene, Jo L, Monica, Aiya, Kristina, Kat, Helen, Cassie, Daniela,  Amira, Jacqueline, Sara, Mere,  Lulu, Chachi, Ella, Richard,  Gabe, Rachu, Lindsay, Oier, Mary, Danika, Karla,Amanda, Laur, Evel, Angie, Vero, Kelly,  Carla, Joelene, Kat (allytwerking), Nicole, Gui, Anne, Nadine, Matt,  Rachel, Rafael, Connor, Nathalie, KC, Mary (cabellosgravity), Debs, KarlaCamilaLove, TKsoGreat, toriswiftieyay, Ivy, cinnaMANIcrunch, MrBOSSinon, Gisella, Kath, Michelle C, aya, leticia, Julie, lilly, jellybeanjustin, jacquie,Anna., OhMyHarmony, adrijauregui12, coolinwith5h, bwilkins523 and for the Anonymous amazing people.

I fell down and you picked me up.

I usually don't like writing about my feelings, but there's no way I can type this blog down without them. On January 6th I tweeted this:

I was down, I was desperate, I was defeated.
I never would have guessed what happened next.

All of you started reaching out to me with a LIKE, RT, DM, Tweets...

Every kind word you said to me made me cry and they made me feel like you all picked me up. This went beyond the problem with the cellphone, this was you making me believe again in what I thought was crazy(starting an own business by doing what I love). You made me feel like Im able to do it.

Just to think about how we probably don't know each other in person, or probably live thousands of miles away and yet you've changed my life.

I don't have the words to express how thankful Iam to you. I promise I will work my hardest to make this business happen and all of you are part of it now. I wish i could thank you all personally, i feel beyond blessed of having you in my life and know that I'm here for you.

I'm beyond honored of having every one of you believing in me. I love you. Thank you.



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