Meraki as the beginning.

The struggle of a beginning it's always real. For a blog it's no exception.
But then I decided this beginning should be a simple one, that's when I chose to write about my favorite word in the world (to be honest I never thought I would have one, I mean, how many words exist?), and that word is "Meraki".

If you ask Google to define "Meraki" you will find something like this:

(Ok I admit, I found it on Google Images, but anyways...)

When I read the definition of this word I just knew that this was the word I want people to choose to describe my life the day I die. Meraki represents the promise that I've made to myself: to do everything with love and passion.

And that's why the beginning of this blog must be in honor of this word. Because this blog represents a channel for me to express the love and passion I have on the topics I will write about.

These are my adventures. Written from my heart with a lot of typos.


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