Why Fifth Harmony's "Harmonizers" are the evolution of the traditional fandom.

Dedicated to my favorite people in the world.

If you ask radio stations, other fandoms, media sources or random people what is a synonym of "Harmonizers" they will probably tell you one out of the following: 

Harmonizers = _____ (insert any of the following numbers)

1. "hardwork" 
2. "annoying" 
3. "passionate"
4. "dedicated"
5. "drama queens/kings" 
6. "sassy"
7. "rude" 
8. "conceited"
9. "Social Media traffic"
10. "investigators"
11. "Organized"
12. "Delusional"
13. etc., etc., etc.

(I'm just quoting some of the adjectives used to describe them that I found while doing research. I even found a tweet that stated the following "harmonizers are the most disgusting, horrible people I have ever seen."). But the truth is "Harmonizers" are badasses (and beautiful too). 

I will explain why and I bet a lot of you, even if you don't like Fifth Harmony, will agree with me at the end of this post.

First of all, let's define what the f*ck does "Harmonizer" means:

To heck is a "Harmonizer"?

Fifth Harmony's defense squad. A group of people from all ages and cultures connected on a level normal people don't understand. They have a culture of education no other fandom has. Harmonizers are extremely hardworking, organized, patient, sensitive, sassy and overprotective. Some of them might fight or shade each other, but when it comes to defend their 5 girls, they become one. 

There are different types of the Harmonizer species, for example (imagine a cafeteria scenario): 

  • The promo/radio/stream gurus: Thursdays are the most important day of the week for them (Billboard updates on that day). They wait impatiently everyday for the radio update at 4am (PST). They read and share important articles that could affect or help Fifth Harmony's music performance. They have real time conversations of topics such as streaming numbers, comparisons of results, opinions and debates on the music performances and even predictions. They barely tweet about emotional things and when they do it's because we got a new peak or because any of the girls tweeted the RFLT or VEVO link. If you're from outside their fandom, NEVER try to fight them over itunes, radio or Billboard stats if you're not very well educated on the matter.

  • The peacemakers: The ones that always motivates and cheer up anyone feeling sad, sending out positive messages, putting everything in perspective and tweeting inspirational quotes or the "RT this pic of *insert any of the girls' name* to clear your TL" tweets. They see the other harmonizers fighting or shading each other and they hate it.
Of course I had to add The Rock here, he's hot af and also Dinah's family friend.

  • The shippers: this one is self explanatory.

  • The talented: the Harmonizers with the amazing voices, breathtaking drawings of the girls, drummers, guitar players, piano players that share their work with the fellow Harmos.
by PocketHarmonies

If someone knows the author, please let me know

  • The nostalgia squad: the ones that keep reminiscing and posting pics about 2012-2013 Fifth Harmony. They're in charge of making other harmonizers nostalgic and dying of feels.

  • The internationals: the most patient and strong of all Harmonizers. All the sweepstakes don't include them and some have never met their girls yet they are always there supporting them through the internet. This doesn't mean they love the girls any less. They do anything to make a difference on Fifth Harmony's career, since that's how they feel more connected to them. They meet Fifth Harmony through other friends in the fandom that tells them the story. They keep seeing the pics of other harmonizers and wishing the girls would come to their country :'(. All the respect to them. 

This is for all the international harmonizers.

  • The "undercovers": They don't have a Fifth Harmony related icon or username. They usually tweet about life in general but when any of the girls post a selfie they lose their shit and show their true self. Another sign is if they follow @5HonTour and FAV their tweets.

  • The trolls: If you're talking shit about any of the girls, they will find you and they will fight you. This applies for people inside and outside the fandom. They're in charge of RTing that hate tweet and alerting everyone else of that behavior. 

  • The fossils: The elder harmonizers.

There are many more type of harmos, but i mentioned the most popular ones. A harmonizer can belong to more than one type. 

And what's so "badass" about them?

I could say "because they love their faves so much", but any other fandom can say that too. So I'm gonna state what's not so obvious about them if you're not a harmonizer. 

I already told you how i believe Fifth Harmony is brand engagement goals, but Harmonizers are GOALS af too. Well, yes I'm part of the squad but I have also studied our behavior as a marketer. 

1. They are all connected even if They're all not friends. How? they have channels in common: the update accounts. They are in charge of sharing information/tweet/articles with harmonizers so they engage with it and the same happens with streaming goals, radio requests, etc. and they do an excellent job. Update accounts are extremely professional.

2. Harmonizers are not ignorant. "Education is power" and Harmonizers don't stand not being educated on a matter that affects Fifth Harmony's career. They know that in order to make a difference they have know HOW TO make a difference. They created this wave of teaching each other about the elemental stuff. For example, they know perfectly what bullet, spin, or audience means. They all know what SNOL is and how important it is and why. They have daily stats and they analyze results. 
They not only fangirl, they work.

3. They are very clear about their goals and they work hard for them. And we're not talking about "I want Fifth Harmony to marry One Direction" type of goals. We're talking about well analyzed short and long term goals with strategic plans and concrete actions to achieve it. Harmonizers are the best example of "Quality > Quantity", because they might be less compared to other fandoms, but they know how to work in the way it seems their fandom is 4x bigger than it is.

4. Teamwork at its finest. Even if there are many types of Harmonizers, when it's needed they all come together. This fandom can trend worldwide almost ANYTHING they set their minds to and they know it and probably you know it too.  

5. They are audience engagement goals. And all the 4 points before lead to this. 

Their knowledge, organization and connection between ALL Harmonizers are equal to an unprecedented engagement in social media for everything mentioning Fifth Harmony. 

If one Harmonizer finds a tweet, every Harmonizer sees the tweet. But they know this and they won't give attention to someone "thirsty". They know how to differentiate because they know the power they have when they all get together for a goal. Harmonizers know very well how a lot of sources want to take advantage of this, and they don't buy it easily. Harmonizers have even been bribed for RTs. *the nerve*

5 things to NEVER say or do to a Harmonizer
I asked on my Twitter what was the worst thing they could read and here are the most popular ones:

1. "_______ should go solo."

2. "They dress like sl*ts"
I hope your sister, girlfriend or daughter never receive a comment from people like you for wearing what she likes. 

3. "They will break up eventually, you know?"
And everyone will die eventually. Do you like to be remembered about it? No! Ok, cool. BYE.

4. Don't try to buy their sympathy.
There might be a lot of types of Harmonizers, but they are definitely not dumb. So if you want to use them for engagement, they will know and they won't buy your lame tweets like the following:

  • "#Harmonizers get this to 1432 RTs & we will consider playing "Worth It" 
  • "#Harmonizers #FifthHarmony RT my cover if you love 5H"
  • "I just posted a selfie with 5H on my insta! make sure you follow me #Harmonizers! RT!"
  • Tweeting the update accounts several times to RT a tweet of yours. Thirsty is never the way to go.

They are the best with organic relationships and also always look for a win-win situation. 

5. Never say that Harmonizers are just "dumb kids behind a computer". And you probably might be laughing at me for writing this, but let me tell you, that at least ONE thing that they have lived here will be useful for their future. 

They either  have learned what they love to do or maybe what they hate to do, maybe they met the love of their life or their best friend for life, maybe they discovered a country they would love to visit, or probably they learned their favorite word in a foreign language or maybe they even got a tattoo based on an experience they lived by being there. 

Conclusion: Harmonizers are a diverse and well educated audience that knows their "power". This converts them in a target not so easy to please. 

I personally believe "Harmonizers" are the evolution of the traditional fandom. As I've stated before and even the girls, one of Fifth Harmony's best assets are their fans. Because they are not only fans, but important strategic elements to their key to success. 

Harmonizers are the only ones that can quickly turn a timeline of absolute chaos and drama into the most powerful group of social media-engaged people, slaying the trending topics worldwide and getting a tweet to 5K RTs in less than 3 minutes (EMA & Radio Disney voting). 

Who wouldn't want an audience like them? 

There are no other like them, they're audience goals af. 

- Kiki (@kikregui)
What type of Harmo are you? lol I'm curious to know, tweet 'em to me!




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