Found a 'Fifth Harmony splitting' rumour article? Click smartly.

Multi-Platinum recording artist Fifth Harmony for Billboard.

Us humans are so emotional. That's part of who we are, we can't change that. The fangirl species enhances this quality 1000x.

It's no surprise that we may have encounter some (a lot) of media sources writing about the rumour of Fifth Harmony splitting up.

We may even say:

"I can't believe they wrote about it. The end is near." 
"Everyone is writing about it, it must be true." 
"Even ____ (insert popular media source) wrote about it. This is a mess."

Yes it is a mess, but us (the audience) are the ones telling the sources that we like those type of posts. 

How? By clicking and link-building (sharing the links on other social platforms).

Harmonizers aren't like any other fandom. Let's prove it.

Harmonizers are the evolution of the traditional fandom and they have always had the characteristic of being incredibly informed and educated. So it's important that you're educated on this.

If you don't care about this topic, stop wasting your time and close the article now. 

I know, this "Fifth Harmony splitting-up rumour" topic has been taken out of hand and that hasn't been controlled properly.

But there's something we can do to stop this rumour from becoming something viral. You may say: "I don't care, i've done enough."...well, i know deep inside you still do because if you hadn't, you wouldn't have opened the article in the first place.

It's ok I get how you feel.
We're together in this.

So here's the deal:

Everytime you CLICK/SHARE those links, it's like you're paying the source $1 for every lead. If a certain content is performing so well, why should they stop writing about it?

  • They're getting traffic to their site.
  • They're getting revenue.
  • They're making money.

Everytime you RT, QUOTE or LIKE a tweet, you're making them more popular. 
Most of the sources don't post because they love/hate the girls: they post about them because they get more engagement.

  • They're increasing their reach.
  • They're expanding that message's channel of communication.
  • You're making it VIRAL.

What you can do:

  • Click smart.
  • Don't share or repost links that you believe are only for the sake of gossiping and that may affect Fifth Harmony's online reputation.
  • Share, Reply and RT posts that hype 5H2 and that share information about Fifth Harmony's music and career.
  • Respect. The best way to disagree with something is by ignoring it. Don't come after the media sources by tweeting them disrespectful things. They may be the ones writing a good review about 5H2 tomorrow.
Fifth Harmony is currently working on their second album, the articles that should be everywhere should be about that.
It's important that we remember that the online environment directly affects a brand's performance and reputation.

And let's not forget about each one of our girls: Normani Kordei, Lauren Jauregui, Dinah Jane Hansen, Camila Cabello and Ally Brooke Hernández: 5 amazing human beings that deserve all our support. 

Why Fifth Harmony is brand engagement goals.

Thanks for reading!

Kiki (@Typ0Queen)


  1. I think you're being a bit unrealistic. Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying and I agree that retweeting and sharing these articles are only adding fuel to the fire and lets be real, there aren't any popular sites or magazines covering these break up rumors. I don't see US Weekly, TMZ or E! batting an eyelash or attempting to write an article about Fifth Harmony. It’s the small sites/twitter accounts looking for the come up that are using 5H, Harmonizers, and these rumors to get traffic.

    However, I think you're being a bit delusional with this whole, "don't talk about it and it'll go away" mentality. Also let’s not forget that Fifth Harmony and their team can control the narrative. They can instruct interviewers to stop asking them about break up rumors and instead focus more on their sophomore album or literally anything else. Instead they continue to answer the questions and quite poorly I might add. And if the band keeps talking about break up rumors and continues to make the future look bleek then how do you expect the fans to react?

    Fans are going to talk and be overly emotional; that’s just the nature of being a fan. However, if a member of the band continues to talk about the end and in a negative way then how do you expect fans to react? They’re gonna be worried and lash out without thinking. They're gonna fuel these rumors because no one is stopping them or easing their mind. And that responsibility lies on Fifth Harmony and their team.

    1. Hi Mandy! First of all thanks for taking the time to read this blog post and for sharing your opinion.

      After reading your comment I agree that probably I didn't choose the best title because what I was trying to express through all the blog post was "that here's something we can do to stop this rumour from becoming something VIRAL." And how the virality of this rumour could affect 5H2's hype. Probably TMZ hasn't write about it just yet, but ET and other high traffic sites have done it already.

      Of course that their team has a job to do, we all know this and I even stated it in here. But I don't know what happens behind closed doors nor the dynamic, processes, budget, etc. I wasn't gonna talk about something i don't know about. That's why I took the fan's approach, because the only thing that we could help about this situation, in my opinion, is what I stated here. The main objective of this post is to inform, if you pay close attention i suggest and recommend actions, but not demand.

      I'm not telling fans to not react, I'm a fan i know how it feels about reading all those articles and of course it makes me feel frustrated and worried. But the best we can do is to be clear of what we can control, what we can't and make the best out of what we have, just like we have done it before.

      Have a nice day!

      PS: Sorry for any typo or grammar mistake, english isn't my first language.




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